Saturday, January 08, 2005

Formal email

Well I don't really have anything interesting to report today. I helped Hollie get to this wedding. She looked great, of course. We had a cousin over too. No comments there. I rented Snow Falling on Cedars cause I just finished the book. Might I just say the movie blew. Melissa is coming over tonight, which will be nice. Maybe we can just go to Starbucks and talk, but it is weird. I feel like a lot of me is still in Scotland and it's weird because before that, she knew everything, and where I was at any moment. How do I explain Diane and Lousie and my favorite above all, Howard? If this was a real journal I'd say more on the subject but I can't do that I guess.
The neighbors have all their lights on and the windows up. Don't they know they're living next to the nosiest person ever? Not like they're doing anything. Just a lot of family and kids.
Ok I am going to look for a poster.


At 6:21 PM, Blogger QueenAtotheM said...

Um, they say it in Scotland a lot. I am from America but I was just in Scotland. Course I said it before going too. What an odd question...

At 6:27 PM, Blogger QueenAtotheM said...



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