Saturday, February 05, 2005

I like dough.

Everyone seems about ready to murder my cousin. Well, not really. She drives my mom up the wall, and she is so different than me I have a hard time communicating with her. Today we took the dogs for a walk and I didn't even know what to say. We walked past a trampoline and I said something silly like, "I wonder what they'd do if they came outside and saw me jumping on their trampoline and I said, 'Hi!'" And do you know what my cousin said? She said, "They'd probably be worried it would break because of the elasticity in the cold." Can you believe that? I know it doesn't sound like much but it's a good example of how we cannot communicate. I mean what the hell are you supposed to say to that? I was making a joke. I realize not a good one but I was just trying to be silly.

I know in my head that what this girl needs is some grace but I am having a hard time showing her that. She made cookies today but decided to double the batch. She used 4 sticks of butter, 2 cups of p-butter, 6 cups of flower, 6 eggs. We had to put the dough in like a 6 gallon pot used for stew. Pretty expensive recipe, wouldn't you say? My mom wasn't too happy about that. So all this to say, we're having a hard time with her and I don't think we are being as flexible as we could be; it's just difficult when she gets on your nerves because she is the most socially inept person ever. Not to mention the fact that she is dealing with some SEVERE issues right now, which is why she dropped out and moved here in the first place. It's just hard to remember that when she tries to be argumentative and has no idea what the hell she's talking about.

Well, I think I will go check on how the 500 million cookies are doing. She insists on rotating the cookies in the oven. It's just little shit like that. You don't need to rotate the damn cookies! hahahaha. I found myself just telling myself, " is ok that she does everything different than you, let it go, because it really doesn't matter how she gets a cup of flour. If she wants to fill a 1/4 c and pour that into a 1c and take a year to get 6c, then fine, let her have it her way." The good thing about the giant pot-full of cookie dough is just that--a giant pot-full of cookie dough.

Sorry for the lame entry but I write what's on my mind, and there really isn't anything very funny or philosophical in there today.


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