So this is a painting by Waterhouse of Diogenes, a philosopher who makes me laugh and laugh, despite being cool. Anyway, I am planning on buying a print of this painting. I love it. Here is a wee tid bit on Diogenes:
"Diogenes did little 'pure' philosophising, but sought to live an exemplary life of autonomy. He lived in a wine-cask and is said to have taken enormous pleasure in his anti-luxury and all that he did. He declared Plato's lectures a waste of time. Plato had defined Man as a "featherless biped". Diogenes plucked a fowl and brought it into the lecture room with the words "Here is Plato's man!" - in consequence of which "...with broad nails" was added to Plato's definition.
Insofar as Diogenes was known as the Dog throughout Athens, at a feast certain people kept throwing all the bones to him as they would to a dog. He, understanding that dogs in their simple humility are the pinnacle of evolution as we in our complex arrogance are not, played a dog's trick and urinated on them. It is said that Diogenes trampled upon Plato's carpets with the words "I trample upon the pride of Plato", who retorted, "Yes, Diogenes, with pride of another sort." "
Isn't he great? He lived in a tub in the middle of the town and yelled at people. He threw his poop at them too, and I also read that he masturbated in public too, although you never know with internet "history." In that same article it said that he destroyed his water cup because he saw a boy drinking water with his hands. Ya I know this was a long time ago, but doing such a thing seems a little unnecessary.
Point is, this guy is super and definitely a wee bit on the nutty side.
My dad told me that the Heifer Project is going to have an attraction of sorts built on their property in Little Rock, which is going to be like a Third World village. Isn't that interesting? Little Rock is definitely on the map since that Bill Clinton Library or whatever has opened, and Heifer wants people to be able to see what poor communities look like when they visit the area. I was joking about it with my dad .We were wondering if they were going to fly in some poor people and have a guy with a sandwhich sign and a pointer! selling poor people figurines and stuffed-animals. Hotdogs would be a good addition too! Or maybe foo foo dogs. HAHAHAHAHA But ya, I think it's a great idea! All those rich people going to Latin America, etc. They don't want to see a village without a sewer system or electricity. I think if done correctly, this could really be something, and I definitely respect what the Heifer Project does. So we shall see. Not that I looked a whole ton, but I didn't see anything about it on their website.
Anyway, I don't want to solve poverty by sitting outside in a tub throwing my shit at people. I'm saving that for my husband. That's the moral of this story. hahahahahahahaha
He's also responsible for the word "cynical," from the Greek kunikos, meaning "doglike," and ultimately from kuon, "dog." Anybody that gave us a word that good gets an A in my gradebook.
Hey you commented too soon! I wasn't finished!
But yes, you are right. He gets an A.
It had been up for half an hour! I didn't know you were the kind to publish a post one piece at a time...sorry.
It's ok! hahahahaha
You stay up late too, I didn't think anyone would comment. I had published it then I decided to read it over and since I was tired a lot of it made little sense so I fixed it and then went on that whole Heifer thing. I'm glad you comment!
It's ok! hahahahaha
You stay up late too, I didn't think anyone would comment. I had published it then I decided to read it over and since I was tired a lot of it made little sense so I fixed it and then went on that whole Heifer thing. I'm glad you comment!
It's ok! hahahahaha
You stay up late too, I didn't think anyone would comment. I had published it then I decided to read it over and since I was tired a lot of it made little sense so I fixed it and then went on that whole Heifer thing. I'm glad you comment!
It's ok! hahahahaha
You stay up late too, I didn't think anyone would comment. I had published it then I decided to read it over and since I was tired a lot of it made little sense so I fixed it and then went on that whole Heifer thing. I'm glad you comment!
OOO! This blogger thing pisses me right off sometimes! It said it wasn't working, and there you have 3 posts! :)
oh well.
It's ok! hahahahaha
You stay up late too, I didn't think anyone would comment. I had published it then I decided to read it over and since I was tired a lot of it made little sense so I fixed it and then went on that whole Heifer thing. I'm glad you comment!
It's ok! hahahahaha
You stay up late too, I didn't think anyone would comment. I had published it then I decided to read it over and since I was tired a lot of it made little sense so I fixed it and then went on that whole Heifer thing. I'm glad you comment!
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