I am Gidget Chickenjuice!
So I got this email from Diane and I think it's great:
"The following is an excerpt from a children's book, "CaptainUnderpants and the Perilous Plot of Professor Poopypants" by DavePilkey: The evil Professor forces everyone to assume new names... Follow theinstructions to find your new name.
Use the third letter of your first name to determine your New first name:
a = poopsie b = lumpy c = buttercup d = gidget e = crusty f = greasy g = fluffy h = cheeseball i = chim-chim j = stinky k = flunky l = boobie m = pinky n = zippy o = goober p = doofus q = slimy r = loopy s = snotty t = tootie u = dorkey v = squeezit w = oprah x = skipper y = dinky z = zsa-zsa
Use the second letter of your last name to determine the first half ofyour new last name:
a = apple b = toilet c = giggle d = burger e = girdle f = barf g = lizard h = waffle i = cootie j = monkey k = potty l = liver m = banana n = rhino o = bubble p = hamster q = toad r = gizzard s = pizza t = gerbil u = chicken v = pickle w = chuckle x = tofu y = gorilla z = stinker Use the fourth letter of your last name to determine the second halfof your new last name:a = head b = mouth c = face d = nose e = tush f = breath g = pants h = shorts i = lips j = honker k = butt l = brain m = tushie n = chunks o = hiney p = biscuitsq = toes r = buns s = fanny t = sniffer u = sprinklesv = kisser w = squirt x = humperdincky = brains z = juice
Thus, for example, George W. Bush's new name is Goober Chickenshorts.
I'm Pinky Bubblehead. Yours is better. What happens if somebody has a last name with fewer than four letters? What if your last name was Ng? Or Wu? Or something similarly short but not Asian?
Also I took that findyourspot.com quiz thing. It thinks I should live in New England, Chicago, Baltimore/DC, or Northern California. I specified that I wanted a large city, but it still gave me Little Rock. What the hell is that? I think the Arkansas Chamber of Commerce or something is bribing findyourspot.com. Shady bastards.
Pinky Bubblehead. That's not bad at all. My sister and I are both naturally Chickenjuices, but she's boobie and I'm Gidget. I'd much rather be Boobie Chickenjuice. HAHAHA! My last name is four letters so at first I was concerned. I guess this test is racist; there really is no other alternative. I mean you can't just add "0"s or anything (that's a zero not an O) like on those scantron tests, so all in all, I'd have to say...racist.
I don't recommend Chicago. New England sounds nice. DC is worse than Chicago. It is like living in Mordor. (Note to yourself and myself: don't search for "find your spot" on google. You may find something X-rated.) Little Rock sounds nice, I think I am going to go there this month actually to check it out. The Heifer Project is there and I'd like to work for them. We shall see. I'll let you know about their Chamber of Commerce.
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