Thursday, January 13, 2005

The Butcher, Andrea, and the Candlestick Maker

I went to bed last night pretty excited about a job in DC. About moving and finding an apt and all that. But then I woke up and looked at the job description again. I am not going to move to DC (a city that I think sucks ass) to be an office clerk. I spent a few hours looking online for more stuff in nonprofit work. Then I took a career test. And guess what? Apparently I loathe administrative crap. What a big surprise! Even though I cringe to picture myself in front of a computer for 8 hours a day for the next two years, maybe if I cared about the cause it wouldn't be so bad. I don't know, though. I have no idea what to do. I'm discouraged.
For diner I had a bag of popcorn, some strawberries and three pieces of bacon. Hahaha. I decided that it would probably be better to make something, so I started making bread with yeast and it's rising now. I also wondered if I should become a gourmet cook. That would be pretty fun. I also watched this shark think on PBS and thought how cool it would be to swim with the sharks. Of course I'd be underwater with a mask on in a cage, 2 VERY constricting things that make me nervous just thinking about it.
So ya, I don't feel closer at all to knowing what I want to do. I'd go back to school but it's not a good idea to accumulate more debt when you're already in about $30k. I should sell drugs. I bet the International Justice Mission would like to see that on my resume. That's it...I'll sell drugs and bake bread. And make puzzles. Super!


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