Sunday, July 10, 2005

I keep hearing about the Congo and how crazy fucked it is there. This time I saw a little bit of Oprah. They sent in a woman journalist to interview women who were victims of sex crimes. Some women were held captive in the forest for months and gang raped tens of times every day. Sons were forced to rape their mothers. Many women have children from their rapists, and many husbands have left their wives because of this. I just went up to my room and pretty much cried my eyes out for a good 20 minutes. I rarely cry and if I do it's just watery eyes, nothing to drown a mini Alice in. So it felt good for me to cry about this but it sucks because when you cry about something like this you don't necesarily feel better afterwards because the world is still just as fucked as ever and many women are still up in the mountains. So there's a numbing and depressed self-acceptance which made me feel empty and just that I had to move on. I need to deposit money into my account but I think I am going to sponsor a Congolese woman. You send money but you also write her letters and stuff, which will be incredibly odd for me. What in the hell do I have to say to her? I feel kind of hypocritical too because I am pretty much against writing checks and feeling like you've done your good deed. But I have some money and I want to support a woman and her family. Prayer just doesn't seem to be cutting it. The next day London was bombed. Good news though! When I was in DC I had one friend and her name was Rose. She was going to become a lawyer, not sure why really, I guess cause that was her plan to make money. But she got kicked out and now wants to go to the Peace Corps in China to help victims of sexual trafficking, and women who have HIV/AIDS. She is going to get a masters in public health to help establish health programs in countries that don't have a great system. She said I was like the first person she ever met who had a social conscience. That's pretty much the nicest compliment ever. I wish I lived up to it.

On a less serious note, I totally got a green purse. It RULES! I also got a Ligre t-shirt and a t-shirt that has a guy with a mullet and it (the shirt, not the mullet) says, "Workin' for the weekend." Hahahaha! I also got One Campaign bracelets but they haven't come yet, the non-profit bastards. I also got some of those gaucho pants from Guess. HAHAHAHA! It's like wearing a....well, pretty much nothing. Hollie is gone now and won't be back till August 18. She missed her train from Paris. Dumby. Not her fault, though. I hate traveling, it's way too stressful. Here's our trivia question from work today: what is the outermost layer of the sun's atmosphere called? If you have any other good trivia let me know, I could always use it so the people can get 10 cents off. OH! So this tan monkey-looking army guy came in to my work yesterday and ordered a drink and this nerdy guy with his son said, "Please let me buy that for you." HAHAHA. It was funny. My mom thought it was sweet. "Here, please let me buy you your coffee before you are unnecessarily shipped off to a country to be blown up in...There, I have done my civic duty." I told the army guy that I wished I could get an outfit like his so I could get free drinks. HAHAHAHA. Now because I'm nice I said it all sweetly and flirty and jokingly like, but I fucking meant it! hahaha! bye!


At 2:20 AM, Blogger Tim said...

Is it the corona?

Here's a trivia question: What's the largest US city to ever be completely absorbed by a neighboring city?

At 11:32 PM, Blogger QueenAtotheM said...

It IS the corona!

Here are some more trivias, more like riddles..well both:

Who is the oldest Beatle?
What's black when you buy it, red when you use it and grey when you throw it away? My boss asked the guy, "Is it dirty?" Poor old guy with a comb-over just looked at her and gave this stupid laugh. HAHAHAHA
I asked him a riddle and he said, "That's kids' stuff." Thans a lot.
(oh ya, it is the corona but you have immediate access to Google so I don't trust you)
Ok. I give up, what's the answer to your question?

At 11:33 PM, Blogger QueenAtotheM said...

My "kids's stuff" riddle:

What room has no walls, no windows, no floors, no ceilings, and no doors?

A mushroom!

At 3:09 AM, Blogger Tim said...

I dunno who the oldest Beatle is. Is that restricted to living Beatles? I've heard that one riddle before--it's charcoal. I don't like that answer, though, because you really can't cook over coals until they're closer to white than red. The answer to mine is Brooklyn, which had more than 800,000 people when New York annexed it in 1898. A distant second is Allegheny, PA, which had like 120,000 when Pittsburgh absorbed it in 1909.

So who's the Beatle?

At 9:36 PM, Blogger QueenAtotheM said...

ok I gotcha. Good question. It's Ringo. TOday's question: Which was the first animal inducted into the Animal Hall of Fame in 1969? A better way to ask this:
What was the name of the animal who was first inducted into the....?

At 4:34 AM, Blogger Tim said...

I'm guessing Lassie.

At 6:40 PM, Blogger QueenAtotheM said...

once again, though, i am suspecting you of cheating. here was today's:
in disney's cinderella, what was the devilish cat's name?
no cheating!
(im just kidding)

At 3:14 PM, Blogger Tim said...

I think "oldest Beatle" would've been the easiest Google task of all of these. Was the devilish cat's name Lucifer? I say that because you said "devilish."


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