Monday, June 27, 2005

the puddin' pop and the bippin' and the boppin'

Heeeello. So hi. Haven't written in a while. Just been work work working, which is still great, although last week was pretty damn frustrating. It is really hard to be a boss, especially if you are Ms. Passive Aggressive herself. I'm doing a ton better though. I just don't always know how to be confrontational. I pretty much want to say, hey you, ya you, fuck face, you're doing this all wrong, damnit. Hahaha. I've been reading some applications too which is HISTARICAL. Like in one section you have to provide three references. This one person wrote, "I have no friends or family" three times. HAHAHA. One question asks why the person wants to work at our store. This girl writes, "I need a job. I think I am what you are looking for in a work place." hehehehe. Awww...Basically just a lot of high school kids. But some are pretty damn awesome. My feet sure do hurt. I'm going to watch Snatch tonight. I saw Hitch the other night. Holy carp, so funny. Hollie came in at one point because I was literally laughing my ass right on off. I wish the female characters were a bit more complex, though. I just think it was good because it kind of portrayed relationships as scary, which they are. Anyone who's been hurt can relate to those characters. I don't think Will Smith is as hot as he used to be. I watched some of the interviews on the dvd and he's pretty full of shit. I saw him on Oprah for like 5 sec. too one time. Same thing: full of shit. Still cute though. Johnny Depp is full of shit too, but in a good way. I read an interview with him in Newsweek today. He's a funny guy. I am so so so excited about his new movie. Ok, enough on that. I'm reading On the Back of the North Wind right now. Just picked it off of Hollie's bookshelf. It's about a boy named Diamond and he hangs out with the North Wind. It's by this cool Scottish guy. I saw Jess last week, which was oh so fun. We watched all her Scotland movies and looked at her pics cause she burned me a cd. Oh, good times. I drank a bit last week too with some work peeps. Oh how lovely it was. I barely drank anything but my tolerance is lower and I hadn't eaten anything. We ended up playing in this fountain. My boss rules. Like woah. And crap, it's so hot in our house. I truly wish we had some air conditioning. Oh well. Tomorrow is a day off! I think I'll go to the bank. Diane, I'll send you all of Jess' and Stephanie's movies/pics if you send me mine!!!!!
I think I'm going to sign off now and have a jello pudding pop. hahahaha.


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