Friday, April 22, 2005

Today reminds me a bit of Scotland. It's cold and rainy, although everything is not brown (like it was when I was there). We don't have any heat. Our heater broke and we aren't going to fix it because when we do our addition the heater is going to be replaced anyway. Lucky us it broke. So I am in the llama sweater! YEA! Of course my wee neck is itchy. Oh well. BURR!
Ok, the book I am reading is called something Incident with the Dog at Night....or Matt Hammond. Ok, let's check my memory now:
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time by Mark Haddon.
It's about a boy who is autistic and he narrates the story. The chapters aren't sequential. He numbers the chapters by prime numbers. So 1, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, so forth. He is talking about this incident with this dead dog he found, but he intersperces writing about the way he thinks. It's pretty damn cool so far, although I haven't gotten far because I started it two nights ago and I was tired and last night I played Zelda before bed.

Hollie and I talked a lot last night about this thing she is dealing with with Nate. It has really been on my mind a lot and I want to talk about it to Renae. Not about Hollie's situation, but my internalization of it (if that's a word).

My birthday's in a week and one day! YEA! I'm asking for a subscription to US News and World Report. I feel like I fell off the radar and have no idea what is going on. I want ccooffee.


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