Wednesday, April 20, 2005

An addendum

Ok, so I'm not allowed to talk about gross stuff around certain people because they loose their appeitites but my dad told me something pretty nasty and I want to share it. So my dogs eat each other's shit, right? You'd think that'd be enough but OH NO! Nothing is too disgusting for my adorable wee pug Addie. When it's nice outside my dad goes and sits on our swing to pray in the morning before work. He lets the dogs out and drinks coffee as well. So last night he was telling me about how as soon as he let the dogs out that morning Jasmine (our black lab) naturally went to the bathroom. Not Addie, though. That retard (and please remember she is a pug and has no snout so if she wants to smell something her whole face is going in) started to lick Jasmine's butthole and eat the poop while it was coming out. GOOD LORD! WHY? WHY? Why does she do that?! We feed her. She gets treats and bones. What's the matter with my little pugglet? If I didn't love her I'd drop kick her into the neighbor's yard.


At 10:53 PM, Blogger Tim said...

This is why I don't understand people who allow their dogs to lick their faces.

At 12:36 PM, Blogger QueenAtotheM said...

It's true.
When Jasmine was a puppy she had gardia (sp?) and the vet said not to let her lick faces. But she was so cute and had that skunk breath that puppies have. Long story short, as my bro would say, I got the butt disease. HAHAHAHAHAHA
Moral of the story: I don't care! :)


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