I am booty-licious.
Well sir, I think I'd like to get nice and drunk tonight. It's too bad this Shiraz tastes like ass, otherwise I'd move onto something more interesting. That's right, today has sucked ass. It was miserable. I found myself hiding under my covers crying at 4pm. Gross. That is not a good sign at all. Last night my mind wouldn't stop racing so I wrote a whole bunch. Fortunately, I did fall asleep finally. So much to my surprise and wonder, there is a follow-up Zelda game to the one I just schooled. So I was going to get it today but Hollie didn't want to go. And that just made me feel like utter shit. I'll try to explain. If I want to leave the house all I have is Hollie, and I'm her back-up. I don't even have one goddamn friend to call to go shopping with. Not to mention the problem that I am shopping to buy a fucking video game that will suck my time up like an ex of mine. So that just made me feel so sorry for myself I had to squirt a little. I know I'm being sarcastic about it all but seriously, it was pretty depressing. I know I rule but it made me feel like such a loser. Well, actually, I don't think it lowered my self-esteem at all. It just sort of made me lonely as hell. That's a good way to put it. Anyway, I'm feeling a bit better now. I ate some delicious pasta and am continuing to drink wine. I am also making this incredibly difficult cake for tomorrow. If it were my number one choice, I'd make a fucking lamby, but we already bought the ingredients for this cake. There are 4 sections for it: the cake batter, the frosting, this syrup that is soaked up by the batter, and this filling. Damn. And would you believe that this retarded cake uses 9 eggs? Sweet baby Moses in a straw basket! This cake has anuploidy. Oh! And my dad is going to pay me to give our house a fixer-'er upper! I am going to take down all the wallpaper and paint! YES! That is what I am talking about! There is one problem. He said the first 20 hours are free, like in exchange for me living here and crap. That's bull plop, so I will have to change his mind. My mom has bronchitis. I feel so bad for her. She's such a wee lady and her stomach muscles are killing her every time she coughs. Wait a second. She didn't go to classes last week. Was she on spring break? Meh.
I am on here waiting for the eggs, buttermilk, and something else, oh yes butter, to be at room temp. Can I microwave a carton of eggs? Peut-etre non. Hollie and I have this joke about that. We say, "pewt etraaaa." It's funny, you'd have to be there. Or here. Man this Shiraz is booty-licious, and that's the bad kind of boot-licious. When I did the Habitat thing this woman was wearing a shirt that had "Bootylicious" spray-painted on. Hell yes. I'm going to watch Being Julia later tonight. I hope it doesn't suck. Both my mom and dad said the story was shit, although the movie was very well-done. Ok. I am going to buy some music now.
I think you're sadder than I am. I'm sorry. I can kind of relate. I spent almost two years in Texas, and for most of that time I didn't have a single friend. My voice got hoarse from atrophy because I would so often go literally days without speaking to another person.
You're right though, you do rule. More than Shiraz, for sure. Cabernet goes down so much more smoothly, although Amarone will get you drunker quicker.
Ya, I'm kinda sad, which is odd because I am a very not sad person who is easily entertained. Speaking of! In my Easter basket I got this "clicker licker" that has a whistle, lollipop, and clicky thing all in one. I gave the lolly to Addie.
But ya, as soon as I figure some whatnot out I'll be good as new.
Texas, eh? That's too bad. Now I'm sure THAT wasn't one of your spots to live in! It's hard to be thrusted into a new place and make the most out of it. I really suck at that because I'm a one-on-one person that takes a while to be at ease. I can come off as a bitch sometimes because of that.
Anyway! You rule too. I'm sure more than Cabernet, maybe not more than Diet Rite. hahaha. You did say you would set me on fire!!!!!
I'm sorry you've been so lonely. I've been missing you like woah lately. It's spring break here so the flat's empty (except for the loud spanish girls and their perpetually ringing phones in the evening) and there's nothing to do. I keep thinking about going to TK Maxx but I can't stand the thought of going all by myself. Come back and play with me and the stompies and the bunnies and the beachy and the shopping. And make me some of that kick-ass cake.
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