Ya, so I had my crabby pants on the other day, as I am sure was noticable. But I still meant what I said, it just probably shouldn't have been typed but written. I like to save my angry whatnots for my journal. ANYWAY! I worked at OI the past two days doing filing. You guessed correctly, it sucked my left and right one. Oh ya, and speaking of ovaries, I did get my period. I was surprised actually because I remembered that I had written it on my blog a month ago, and I never keep track of when it comes so I looked and it was exactly 30 days. How do you like that?! Oh wait, but Feb. only has 28 days in the month. Oh well. Um..nothing new to write at all. I have to go to the post office but I keep putting it off. Oh ya, so I did this filing. The filing was for the Network Office and the CEO of it brought in his files from home in SUITCASES! So I had to go through suitcases full of papers from '96 and '97 mostly. I have 4 big boxes full of papers for recycling. They weren't going to recycle and I just felt terrible about that so I loaded these boxes into the car and now they are in the garage waiting for next Monday morning. Of course when I was loading them they blew all over so I was running all over the parking lot picking up the crap. Ok, it's Addie's dinner time and she is going bonkers.
I am having difficulty CONtrolLING THE VOLUME OF MY VOICE!!!!!!!
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