Doooopa dooopa doo da da da and something low low low
I saw The Incredibles tonight. Pretty funny.
I got this AWESOME package in the mail from Diane today! I was very touched by the Easter card that had been signed by Louise, Lianne, Diane, Jo, Z, Jenny, Batina and even Stephanie. It was sad too. Jenny said something about my Jesus cow. Does she have it? I was wondering where that thing went... I also got some cds too as well. YESssss!! Of course since there was no padding one cd broke, which was a good thing because it was the Damien Jurado cd, not a fav. of mine at all. The drunk cd is SAFE! YESSsss! Hollie goes, "I thought you said Diane was smart." HAHAHAHAHA! Boo-ya! I actually retold the story about ass face mc baldy dallas seminaryaton the tutorial leader to Hollie today. Diane: Actually, when Turkey was the Ottoman Empire in.... David shit head mc asshole: Very well-thoughtout answer. Does anyone else have any thoughts? I hate that guy. David stupid Norszxcek mc i have 5 kids and all are homeschooled by my submissive and stupid wife who asks me what to believe in. Ok. Judgmental time over.
So thanks to Diane for the wee package and special card that I will save forever! I am totally listening to the drunk cd in a bit. I did NOT see Mad Town of Bedlum or whatever, though!!!!! And is the Tom Bombadil song on there? What about all my pics on your puter, Missy? You know I don't have them because I erased them. All my Scotland pics and yours too. I want I want! But you wait cause I'm sending you provisions!
Ok, this is turning into an email.
There is this church in Little Rock that is all about racial reconcilliation. For 400 people, they have 7 different worship groups. Isn't that wild? I read this short blurb about it in CT. Doooopa dooopa doo da da da and something low low low. That's the Greenday song from the Drunk Cd. And we're going to get high high high. There you go. When we're low low low. Oh well. It's the being drunk and bouncing/swaying part that I like. HAHHAHAHA we seriously did THAT for 3 hours without getting up. LOL!! oh my.
Did I write how I went to this thing called Axis at this church? If I did oh well. Anyway, they sent me an email about this small group to join. I will probably go and check it out. At the service deal on Sunday night that I went to they really wanted to try something new so what they did was have all 700 of us (this is just their 20-somethings service, that's how fucking huge this place is) put on blind folds and walk down this long hallway while holding onto this rope. While we'd be walking they had actors yelling things at us. It was so that we would have a better sensitivity to Jesus' vulnerability and experience as he carried the cross. Obviously, it wasn't to "put ourselves in Jesus' shoes," but to experience something out of our comfort zones. Let me tell you, it wasn't a bad idea at all. So it took me some nerve to go to Axis in the first place and I was a bit nervous too when I first got there. I was like, you're seriously suggessting putting a blindfold on miss panic attack herself? what the hell are you thinking? so I just closed my eyes. I'm like, "Ya, I'm gonna pass on the blind fold." I was like who the hell fuck do you think I am? But I'm glad I stuck it out, cause I was thinking of leaving once they announced the blind folds. So anyway, after the walk experience we entered into this wood dome do you spell that? Doam. Dome..weird. Anyway and the ceiling was pointy and there were 3 crosses (like on the Skull). And this guy with a nice voice was playing the piano and leading people in songs but we didn't have the words. I didn't sing a word. They sand one song that I actually like, which was nice to focus on. The time was very nice and quiet and reflective, which I appreciated. They were chorus songs but it was just nice to be there. Nice, nice nice. The girl next to me couldn't sing for shit, but I liked listening to her sing. I'm still not super into the worship style at all. It's too much like a concert. So we'll see. I'm not expecting anything. I want to take an art class. Yep. I sure do. I'm working on this lame ass bird feeder right now for my dad. As he's gotten older he's gotten weirder. He likes bird watching and has a bunch of bird feeders. He has this "Chicagoland Bird Watching" book too, and he puts post-it notes on the birds he's seen and writes the date and how many birds were there, etc. Shit like that about people is great. I'm glad I know stuff like that. Ok. blah blah blah blah dee blah dee blah.
I like "like."
I like commas.
I like to change tenses mid- sentence.
I like to not spell.
The passive tense I like.
I like "really."
I like "just."
I like "nice."
I like birds.
I have a field guide for them, too, but I don't put Post-It notes in it. I travel too much for that to be practical. If it weren't for my roommates' dog, I'd have a bird-feeder out. Does that make me weird like your dad?
One time that dog got his mouth around a white-winged dove (Zenaida asiatica), and I tried to save it, but it died. I was mighty pissed. I tried to tell myself that he wouldn't have been able to nab it if it weren't old and feeble anyway, but who can tell with birds? They don't exactly carry AARP cards. Or AARB cards. Where the B stands for "birds."
Speaking of AARP, "retired person" is a funny phrase. It sounds like it's implying that you've retired from personhood, like you no longer have to act like a human. I think that would be a pretty cool privilege.
retired person=funny. "pensioner" (what they call 'em in the UK)=hilarious.
I'm sorry your cd broke! I meant to make you more times2343454534 but you know... i'm absent-minded. I'll mail you more crapola soon. I promise.
lmfao... you love my David Norczyk moment of glory. That guy was such a dickwad. I'm glad you're proud of my bitchiness in the face of right-wing fundies. <3 to you.
My dad has gone bird-crazy in his old age too. And dragged me right along with him. All the springy birds are here and there is a little robin that peeks in our windows and sits on the sills on the outside and I talk to it and feed your stompies. Come back! It's seriously so sucky here with no Andrea.
care pacakge!!! rah!
I have a billion new cds you'd heart.
No, you are not weird like my dad. His has developed. You are being you. Does that make sense? COme back and ask me when you're fifty and some strange obsession has developed, then I'll let you know how weird you are. What kind of dog does your roomie have? I am a huge dog person. My dog ripped a baby bunny (that's a bit redundant, redundant, eh?) to shreds. I'm not so sure about being a "Retired person." Sure, they get good deals at restaraunts, but it's usually gross food like liver. Although, then again, I would definitely appreciate that status after living for 60 years or so.
You are right. I LOVE your DN moment of glory because that's what it was-sheer GLORY! Hallelujia! Don't blame your dad on your bird nuttyness. You were always like, hey, that's a blahdebloobloo pecker. I don't buy that it's because of your dad!! hehehehehe! Lianne wrote me an email and said the stompies are still coming to the window giving the old eye up to our window searching for their favorite friend, Andrea. The coolest was when none of you guys were there and there were 9 of them all over the roof and crap. It was the greatest!
I do want to come but I can't so you come here! Keep coming to my blog and writing! Miss you! Hippity Hoppity Easter's on its way! HAPPY easter!
Tim, did you get the book yet? I was reading last night again. Damn, you'd LOVE it. They got into this huge religious argument. I cried again.
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