Sunday, May 15, 2005

So I haven't posted in a while. I have been kinda busy and I don't really go online at all anymore other than to check email. The new job is pretty cool. I am training for two positions at once, which kind of stresses me out. I'm training for like regular person but also Shift Supervisor, or Manager on Duty. I have to do lots of grown up things, like solve problems with people and deposit the money. I'm still sick which blows. The store I'm working at hasn't opened yet and I'm training in Chicago so I have to get up super early to hop on the train. I took the 6:27 train yesterday. I'm tired. Mom was gone all weekend at this prayer retreat and Dad's on a business trip, so it was nice to be alone, although I was gone a lot. Ps- if you want a vodka tonic don't make a vodka and sparkling water. It's not the same thing at all. Love, Andrea.
Josh came home for Mothers' Day. On Monday he was going to ask his gf to marry him. On Sat. he was going to break up with her. I don't even want to go into it but it's really hard to be around him. It's impossible to communicate. At least I'm not getting punched every two seconds and he's not calling me fat and stupid, etc. Even though we're "cool" now or whatever it's still very hard to even talk to him. I don't know what to say really or how to say it. I guess I still walk on eggshells around him, even now. So ya, that was an interesting week culminating on Sunday.
Oh man, I just feel so lethargic today. Better make some coffee.


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