So I totally fell at work again. It was pretty funny. It's funny when you fall because you react without thinking first. I fell and I yelled, "I FELL!!!!" Weird, eh? It was funny so I started laughing. Oh guess what? My bro has no money so he doesn't eat except for garbage that he finds. Isn't that super? Yep. My dad is now telling me each of his expenses for the month and where his salary goes. He has no savings account. It's retarded and I just don't get it. Makes my one loan payment of $56.12 for the next 12 years look like nothing. Anyway. So work is much better now. We are firing Miss I suck the Big One herself, so that is pretty niiiice. All us managers had a meeting at this Mexican restaraunt. It was very fun. Ok I have nothing to say. I was having a conversation with my mom and dad and now I lost all drive to write. Goodbye.
I am having difficulty CONtrolLING THE VOLUME OF MY VOICE!!!!!!!
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