Friday, February 25, 2005

What's the name?

Well. Long time no talky...I've been working at Opportunity this week. I created my own really kick-ass report on Gender dynamic within the org. It was pretty sweet. Speaking of sweet, this intern, Jonathan, decided that instead of Fridays being "Casual Fridays," it should be "Sweet Shirt Fridays," otherwise known as SSF. Hahaha. So I am wearing my "where the wild things are" t-shirt that I just bought. I love that book! His shirt is blue and says "George Bush is my Homeboy." hahahaha.
So I ahve been doing really well this week. I have been looking pretty damn cute too, if I do say so myself. My sense of fashion surprises me all the time. Hollie and I did something wonderful yesterday.....So we went to Hollywood Video to get a movie and attached to some HV stores is this other store, Game Crazy. We used to play Mario Kart all the time when we were little. It was so much fun. So we asked them, but they don't rent systems. So we decided to buy one! We looked on Ebay but they are really expensive. So last night we called all these used game stores to see if we could get her a Super NES system, an extra controller, and Mario Kart. So we totally did! We went to 5 stores. And I bought N64!!! YA YA YA!!! I am so excited to go home and play! I got Mario Kart (I like it better on N64, Hollie likes it better on NES), Pod Racer (that games kicks ass!), and Zelda! LOL! YEA YEA YEA!! Hollie also got Zelda, Mario Kart, and Monopoly. Hahahaha. Did you know they have Clue for NES? wow! I wonder if N64 has it.
I also decided to get my nails done with my pay check.
We now have 7 people living at the house. My other cousin is staying for the week, then she's going back to Turkey. I haven't really seen much of her, tho.
I can't wait for this weekend! I have so much fun stuff to do. I still have this puzzle that I haven't finished, I got paints for my boat lol, and I got N64. Awesome.
This week with Renee wasn't really anything special. She wants me to journal for a particular reason I don't feel like sharing, so when I need to journal, I go there. But mostly, I don't want to be on the computer at home and do my journal because I sit in front of a puter screen all day. Ok, that is all. I just ate this chocolate coffee cake crumble top thing my dad got and didn't eat from Starbucks. Damn, it was good.
He was in NY on business. He always brings back hotel shampoos and other various what-have-yous. This hotel he was in gave their customers mini Bath and Body Works lotion and soap so he gave it to me. I was showing my mom and she grabbed it out of my hand and they I tackled her. And she and Hollie kept throwing it back and forth and we were screaming and going crazy. My mom doesn't even weigh 110lbs. Hollie weighs like 125. I'm 5'10". I totally schooled the both of them and the lotion is presently in my bag. Then Hollie wouldn't leave their room when they were trying to go to sleep. And she kept smacking her ass and skipping around their room. I was in the doorway laughing my ass off. Oh yes, yesterday was a good day.
Hm..what else? Oh nothing really. Same old same old. Josh sent me an email telling me I had to be an art teacher in Chicago for this place he worked. He said I'd be great at it and the kids would love me. I hate stupid children, he know's that! I also got an email from the woman who ran my internship in DC. She is the coooolest. She started her own org. called HerVoices, Inc. I'm not so sure about it, though. I don't really think advocacy alone accomplishes much at all, unless you are that one org. whose name I can't think of right now, which is ridiculous because everyone knows who they are. Not Greenpeace...that other one. They write letters. DAMNIT! Ok bye.


At 11:35 AM, Blogger QueenAtotheM said...

Ah yes, that is it! Thanks, Jess!


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