Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Oh Dear God, This DEFINITELY deserves a head role on a poisoned-tipped, rusty metal-spiked wall.

Ok so my grandpa is turning 80 this summer and my gradma has been going nuts planning this surprise reunion. Seriously, I haven't seen these people in like 8 years and I REALLY don't give a shit about that! Oh no oh no oh no. To be honest, I am hoping that I have a job that will not permit me taking off for 3 days. Hollie thinks it's pretty selfish to not go. I realize that, but that doesn't make me want to hide in a hole everytime I hear about it. I do NOT fit in with those people. Me and Josh have always been the black sheep of this side of the family. I am going to count how many times they ask me when I'm going to get married. Apparently getting married and having 80 million kids by the time you're 25 is the purpose in life. Oh man, this is going to suck so bad. I don't know how I can put on a happy face. The reason I am bringing it up is because I just got an update email from my g-ma. Here's a bit from it to explain more:

"I would appreciate some volunteers to help with the plans. We want to keep this loose and informal, but I do think we should have enough structure to make the time meaningful and fun for everyone.

Here are some areas to be covered—let me know what you’d be willing to do.

Transportation coordinator
Sports and games, especially for the teens and young adults (A trip to the Florissant Fossil Park ?)
Evening get-to-gethers—we’ll have three evenings, and we’ll want music, family stunts or presentations, memories. If you’d like family slides I can pull that together. There’s a campfire pit for smors etc. available. (Need to bring the smores)
Photos, videos and someone to coordinate those afterwards
Devotional times
Program coordinator – just to set a general schedule for meals and any coordinated activities.
Child-care – we have six little ones and there are children’s recreation and game rooms, but it would be nice to share this responsibility around. Perhaps this person could check with Sarah or Tamarah before hand.

I will be the Program Coordinator! Oh shit......Sarah and Tamarah are under 25 and I think one has 4 kids and the other 3...or is it 5 and 4? They were both under 21 when they got married. Tamarah's hubby is 10 years older. He proposed when he was 28 and she was 18. Is it just me or is that a bit on the fucked up side? Poor Josh, me, and especially Hollie. Oh man are they going to rag on her for having a nice bf. Poor girl. Ok, I promise I will write more upbeat things next time.

Why can't we have a normal family with people who would rather just "be" by the fire and smoke cigarettes and drink beer? That's what I want to do in the mountains. Not a family bible study or slide show time. Hollie thinks I should be careful what I wish for, and also be the sports coordinator!!! HAHAHAHAHA! I will plan...hmmm...We should totally play "Hit The Person Running With The Slipper!"


At 12:06 PM, Blogger Terry Finley said...

I wish my grandparents were still alive.

I invite you to visit my blog and to study the Bible with me.

Terry Finley

At 1:13 PM, Blogger QueenAtotheM said...

For your information, if you cared at all about who I am or what I believe in, I already am a Christian. God and I are working some stuff out right now. It pisses me off that to you I am a target. You don't know anything about me nor do you seem to give a shit at all. That is not evangelism at all, nor is it love. Your little "pin the tail on the non-Christian" turns more people away from God than to God. The type of people that blog the most anyway do not respond well to your little copy and paste "I invite you..." Ya, I know you guys all use the same line. Your comment makes me feel cheap, expendable, unimportant, and targeted. You, I believe, need the bible study because you are missing some things.

At 1:16 PM, Blogger QueenAtotheM said...

One more thing.
The bible is NOT clear cut at all. If it was clear cut, David's Psalms would be yes God no God. If it was clear cut you wouldn't read about Paul doing what he knows he shouldn't be doing. If it was clear cut, the wonderful scholarly work and the exciting debates would be vanished.
Way to go minimizing the gospel.

At 5:04 PM, Blogger Tim said...

It's spam, is what it is. What a douche. Kiss my grits, Finley!

At 5:52 PM, Blogger QueenAtotheM said...

Ya I am just really offended by this and that's all there is to it. Especially the "I wish my grandparents are still alive" comment. Is that written for me to check myself? TO be thankful they are still alive? What if they molested me when I was little? What if they beat me? I can't believe this guy. So I have come to the decision to ignore him like the 2 year-old he is.

Wise words, Jess, and as always, way more articulate than me! :) heehehe
Isn't it amazing what people put on the internet? Poor God. (I am referring to your latest blog.) I completely agree with you. If I was like "I love God! ladedadeda" Wouldn't that raise more issues than me saying, "damn, I just really don't get this sometimes." My blog is for me and me only. I have a lot on my mind these days and it's nice to write it down and think about it that way, and go back to it, and see, if at all, what other people think about it. Thanks for responding and caring. You are definitely an admiration to me.

Word. I invite this guy to visit my asshole and study the contents of my large intestine.

At 7:26 PM, Blogger Tim said...

LOL. That's the funnies thing I've heard today. Good job.

I went to the dude's site and he had some thing up like, "who can tell what this picture is." Somebody said, "It's the Mount of Olives." He said, "That's right. It is the Mount of Olives." So dry and ridiculous.

So I said, "It's the Mount of Who Gives a Crap, you lousy spammer." Then I went on to deride his site in unkind but strictly PG terms. He appears to have deleted the comment. What cowardice! People talk shit to me all the time on my blog, and I always let it stand.

At 7:27 PM, Blogger Tim said...


At 12:08 AM, Blogger QueenAtotheM said...

Aww shucks, guys, I'm glad I made you laugh!

I visited his site too,but only for a few minutes. I discovered his platform is probably: homosexuality, evolution, and abortion. I say piss on that!

Tim you are totally right about the Mount of Olives thing. I laughed out loud when I saw it. "That's right, very good." HAHAHAHAHA ahhhh...

My friend once sent me a pic of a man's asshole that had been stretched to about the size of a grapefruit. I wonder if Mr. Finley would like to see a pic of that? I would definitely get a "Good Job" star!

At 5:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe he's related to David Norczyk?

At 9:15 PM, Blogger QueenAtotheM said...

You know, I thought the same thing. JUST like David, although I bet this guy studied at Bob Jones instead of at Dallas.


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