Oh hello. It's my day off and I have a ton to do but I don't feel like doing any of it. Since HOllie is gone I have moved into her room because we are going to re-do mine. But I do NOT feel like sanding. I feel like watchig Sex in the City for hours on end. In 2 weeks the horrid family reunion is going to occur. I do wish Hollie would be there but she off in Europe being a poo head. Poor Nate, he said he'd go visit her but she's out in the boonies. He said that if she were in like downtown Rome it'd be another story. I have developed this horrible havit of chewing the insides of my cheeks much worse than normal. I think I want to be smoking, maybe that's it. Like right now I don't even want to type, I just want to chew my cheek. So it seems that the Illinois draught isn't so bad. Yesterday's storms were marvellous and there are supposed to more today. Ok this is the lamest entry ever. I have nothing to say. OH! I saw Chralie and the etc. at the drive-in. My first drive-in ever! I don't care what people say about Jonny Depp being like Jacko, I loved him and always will, damnit! One of my favorite lines, "Do you like my meadow?" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Fantastic 4 was after and it was THE shittiest movie ever. No plot, horrible acting, no character development. It was pure shit. I could go on but I won't. It just made no sense and I don't know why people were dating and breaking up and why some people were good and some were bad. They had no motives. SHIT SHIT SHIT! But we both knew that.
I am having difficulty CONtrolLING THE VOLUME OF MY VOICE!!!!!!!
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