Monday, November 21, 2005

Well Harry Potter turned out to be a fantastic movie. I need to see it again for a better overall opinion, but not for the special effects; they were perfect. I watched Chamber of Secrets with the old Dumbeldore in it and Heather was right, the new one sucks my left one. All the old one had to do is raise an eyebrow or give a flick of the lip and you know exactly what he's thinking. It's almost playful. This new one is a jackass. He's supposed to be wise and old. Why did he cover his eyes when the Goblet of Fire spat out the names? What the hell was that? Dumbledore afraid of a little fire? Fuck no! I'm not quite sure how I feel about Voldemorte either. He didn't seem naturally evil enough. Biting a lip and wide eyes doesn't seem sufficient. It has to be inherent in his being, same thing with Dumbeldore. And I'm not sure those actors achieved that. Well, I know this new Dumbelfuck didn't.

In other news, Jordan is again being a fanny tit wank who just doesn't get me. I'm also meeting with Renae today and for some reason everytime i have to go see her these days I get an anxiety thing. I REALLY don't want to take a Klonopin but I guess I might just have to anyway, I have a lot I want to talk about. I really hope we have cinnamon toast crunch. mmmm. nope, we don't. i am absolutely starving. bye.


At 3:19 PM, Blogger Foodie on a Diet said...

Maybe the reason the old Dumbledore was so subtle was because he was about to keel over and he wasn't quite as spry as the new one. The new one is a little crazy, though, I have to admit.

At 6:23 PM, Blogger Heather said...

the new dumbledore.... gee whiz.

So how is the tim yoder look alike with the bushy eyebrows?

At 11:42 PM, Blogger QueenAtotheM said...

Ya the old Dumby does sound like he's about to fall over and die. hahahahaha! Jess, have you seen the new movie? Didn't you think D. was way too emotional and rash in his body language?

Tim Yoder (as the Scottish so nicely put it) is doing my tits in. He created a bunch of drama and then got mad at me and then apologized then got mad again and then apologized again. It's a good thing I am PMSing. Oh wait, no it isn't!!!!! Damn eggs, why can't they all just live together and stay in their home!!!!

I want to see this Tim Yoder. How is he up top? Does he keep it real?

At 2:46 PM, Blogger Heather said...

Oh, he's got himself a nice fluffy mane.

So bushybrow lives with conrad and solider boy? I'm sorry you got shot. If you'd like, I'll kick his kness when I come back to town. I need to do that to Conrad anyway.

At 4:20 PM, Blogger QueenAtotheM said...

I think you should totally kick his kness!!!!!! His and Condrad's. That's 4 knesses!

At 10:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I totally saw that movie twice already and have plans to see it again and it rocked my socks and when did I turn into a Harry Potter fan? I read all the books last summer (well, first five) in like two weeks and just read the sixth one like two weeks ago and I am officially a big opening night dress-up-style nerd!

Voldemort did kind of go all evil James Bond hero though... "What? Shoot him? Why no! I must tie him in this elaborate machine and leave so he may escape!" Why didn't one of them just kill the other one? Guess we'll have to wait for book seven for that...


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