Friday, January 20, 2006

Oh sweet, suculent day off. Ahhh..... I was woken up at 11:30 because the heater twins had gone to lunch, freeing me to hit the showers. My mom and I went to Egg Harbor for lunch. She again told me how talented and capable I am and how I should go to grad school if I have even the slightest desire to do so. I had banana bread french toast. MMMMMM!!!!! I got 4 pairs of undies from Victoria's Secrets for $11. Carsons is having their super duper yellow dot sale so I got some jewelery (for $3.99 each, originally like $35 each), a pair of pin striped pants, and a DKNY bitchin shirt. Not bad at all if I do say so myself.

Then I came home to the biggest pile of shit ever in my room. No no, not Addie. I am referring to 2 weeks worth of clothes that were either dirty or rejected. Then I got the vacuum out and the duster. I started picking at the hole in my wall too, which caused the plaster to come out. I found something too! Behind one section of plaster was an old cut-up section of comics from a paper. They still have color so they're probably not that old, but still, why the hell are there comics in my walls? Anyway, I then threw out a shit load of pretentious college books, and even Herbie, my glow worm. Ohh...I feel sad. Herbie.... Oh well, he was gross looking. I organized all my cords from the various Nintendo systems, and basically dusted the hell out of my room since the heater twins have been dicking around in there for the past 3 days.

I have the fortunate option of leaving this upside down house but I think I will stay in it tonight. It is quiet and I still have loads of laundry to do. I also want to eat some food, make coffee, and FINALLY beat Zelda.I haven't finished my room yet either. Oh! And I got 3 dvds and a cd with my Bestbuy gift card yesterday.

Perhaps dating is never like it is in the movies when you find a "soul mate" that is meant just for you. I know this is going to sound lame but I totally agree with this one "Friends" episode where Monica says that she does not believe in soul mates. Rather, that she and Chandler met and work hard at their relationship. Even Hollie has struggled with aspects about Nate that are different from her original ideals for a mate. She has fought over whether or not they are even valid complaints. Will we all have to settle to a certain degree? (Insert Carry Bradshaw staring to the upper right.)

Blah. You know, I don't even really care anyway. I'm just going to keep going over and drinking wine and being a good friend.

The End. Love, Andrea.


At 10:26 AM, Blogger Foodie on a Diet said...

Camping brand...hmm...Campmor, REI, Patagonia...oh, gotcha. :)

At 10:34 AM, Blogger Foodie on a Diet said...

I think it's a little bit of both finding a soul mate and then making it work.

You do have to find someone you really fit with, but think how messed up most of us would be if we found someone who was just like us and we just stayed as we were...or all our crazy, neurotic traits were just intensified by hanging out with someone so like us.

Or if someone understood you completely without ever needing explanation and put up with every bit of craziness you could come up with. You would never think you had to explain yourself to anyone and you wouldn't learn to be sensitive to what other people might perceive your actions to mean.

At 12:43 PM, Blogger Heather said...

All this nonsense about soul mates makes we wonder why God decided to make me a female. The concept of a soul mate is a bunch of rotten bologna.

I think each person could be blissful with at least one in every 20,000 people. Give or take 6 billion people in the world, the statistic would be about 350,000 potential "soul mates" worldwide.

Of course, circumstances don't always support the statistics: for example, your personal preferences and standards probably cut away 345,000 of those potential suiters, leaving just 5,000 for the pickens. And let's face it, amidst 6 billion people, 5,000 is really just a speck of dirt.

But we're kidding ourself if we call 5,000 a meager number.

Anyway, I think my beliefs on this matter probably cut away 349,999 of my potential 6 billion suitors, but on the plus side, I'm not too picky about bald men, so I guess I can add 30,000 back to that number.
All in all, I'm not shaping up too badly.

At 5:53 PM, Blogger QueenAtotheM said...

I agree. I don't buy the "soul mate" business at all. In fact I doubt God has created one man just for me anyway. I'm allowed to make choices, right? And the crap in my life and any man's is a result of sin anyway so I am affected by that. Maybe the right guy for me was incredibly dicked over by something thus disqualifying himself to be my "soul mate." I think you meet someone and your emotions play a role and your environment and your temporary place in time. And if you happen to start a relationship then, then you start one. And you ask God if it's ok and why wouldn't it be if you both want to serve him? It's not sinful or unbiblical. I think he wouldn't say no to any Christian man. It's me who chooses who is and who isn't my "soul mate."

At 5:54 PM, Blogger QueenAtotheM said...

Oh, and no matter who I end up choosing, I'm sure I'll wonder what if till my head falls off anyway.

(And I take back that comment about the camping brand liking me. I don't think that's true. Especially since he likes someone else. hehehe)

At 1:14 PM, Blogger Heather said...

If you could go back in time and meet any person; or if you could choose any fictional person to be your soul mate, who would it be & why?

I call dibs on Edmund from Chronicles of Narnia. Why? I think that people who have been forgiven of something they feel is a catastrophic sin makes them understand love and forgiveness better than those who have only been forgiven what they feel are meager sins. And I'd like to marry a man like Edmund someday :-) The English accent can't hurt things either.

At 5:55 PM, Blogger QueenAtotheM said...

Ah yes, the accent. Well that might change my person. Hmm.. Yours is a good one. I'm going to have to think about this one. RIver Phoenix was kinda hot. Maybe Mr. Darcy...just kidding! Probably Holden Caufield as a mature adult. No...Dracula? No. Maybe JOhnny Depp as GIlbert Grape? No. None of these people would be my soul mate. They'd just be some nice ass. hahaha. I don't know, Heather. I just don't know!


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