Sunday, December 04, 2005

well it's true. I haven't written in a while but I have been thinking a lot and hearing a lot and writing a lot too, for that matter, and I just havent wanted to put it here. well friends, i think the time has come. i am no longer interested in not being a fan of anything christianity related. dont get me wrong, i still loathe the church to a certain extent, but i kinda have a bit of a thing for god and jesus. :)

ive been listening to this AWESOME pastor from (believe it or not) a texas church. it is AMAZING! in my favorite sermon so far he said something funny about mormons and then goes, oh wait, yellow card me. not only is he hystarical but his teaching will knock you on your ass. so ya, SO good.

in other news, i visited my first hookah bar last night. its my new favorite place on earth. thats right! screw rolling hills and mountains and sunsets and oceans. the hookah bar is where its at. they have tribond! heheheheheeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!

ps-why didnt anyone ring my bell?
pps-my sisters bday fun is friday at 7pm. narnia! so let me know if you want to come and we'll get tickitos


At 11:13 PM, Blogger Heather said...

Fascinating subject, hookahs. I actually just learned recently that Hookah bars / pipes were for primarily for legal tobacco use [only]. Yes, primarily for Strawberry and Vanilla tobacco [only?]. Only!

Go figure!

You want to know how I figured that out? The beginning of Disney's Aladdin.

They may have put a Johnson on the Little Mermaid, but illegal tobacco pipes would be ausschließlich verboten!

Fascinating, hookahs. I like 'em too.

At 9:20 AM, Blogger Foodie on a Diet said...

Hookahs are so very mellow...yes, that sounds like fun.

At 11:28 AM, Blogger Foodie on a Diet said...

You know, some people talk about the syncretism in the church in other countries. I think there's so much of that in the American Church. Maybe you just don't like the American version of christianity.

It's hard to find a good church if your eyes are open, because there seems to be something majorly wrong with each one. I'm trying to decide if it's arrogant or not to decide that a church as it is isn't something I want to be a part of, though. That's like saying I'm right and everyone else is wrong. I know I shouldn't just ignore what bothers me, but should I just join a church that I'm not happy with and try to change it? Or create another church with an entirely different set of problems?

At 11:04 PM, Blogger QueenAtotheM said...

It definitely makes more sense that a hookah would be used for tobacco rather than pot. Quite frankly, it would seem like a pain in the ass to smoke pot out of one of those things. Gross. Man, I just hate pot. I lost you on the Alladin reference. The little Mermaid didn't get a penis! It was the pastor, right? We should hookah it up. Too damn bad it's so expensive but the guy working there was mighty fine lookin.

At 11:35 PM, Blogger QueenAtotheM said...

You know I totally agree with you on the church thing. I pretty much hate going to church. SO what I'm doing right now is listening to those sermons because I still think biblical teaching is pretty important. And I'm also praying for a church. I'm reading Blue Like Jazz and the guy talks about how people like him (like me) should just pray and ask God to help you find a church with people in it who share your interests. I always felt like if I went to church I'd have to compromise my interests and force myself to fit into the larger mold that is basically no fun. I want to be with people like me. Where are the churches with the mohawks and piercings and who hate lame ass contemporary worship music?! i realize a church isnt going to land in my lap (bastards) but im not going to settle just cause of this "youre not a good christian unless you are 'giving' in a community" crap. maybe i have a lot to learn but for the time being, im thrilled with my new sermons. (i totally hear you on the arrogant wonderings too.)

At 10:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear you're finding yourself again. And hookahs. They're delightful.

At 3:07 PM, Blogger Heather said...

Haven't you noticed in the beginning of Aladdin... the naarator picks up a Hookah and calls it a "combination hookah and coffee maker. Also makes julienne fries"

Also, yes, the little mermaid has a penis on the cover.... but only on the older editions. If you don't beleive me, go here:

At 10:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey. you have to go to to get the tickets. its at yorktown amc13 or somethng at 7pm. let me know if you guys want to go to dinner with them afterwards at this nice chinese bistro place cause hollie needs to make the reservations.
this is andrea and im on a weird puter


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