Tuesday, December 06, 2005

I just have two things I want to say. First, the moment I finished listening to that sermon I knew Steve needed to hear it. He just signed online to tell me over and over again, "That's it! That's it! That's it!" I'm super glad to hear that. I really feel like this Mr. Matt Chandler guy has got something here so it's nice to pass it along to someone like Steve because there is so much worthless and needless bull shit floating around out there. Well, that's too ambiguous. Rather, so much bull shit forcing you to bend over so it can shove itself so far up your ass you get light headed and faint. So yes, glad for Steve!

Second, I am getting irritated with how "girly" I am with Jordan lately. Yes, we all know I fancy him but our relationship just drives me fucking NUTS! ARGH! GRASH! DSke! I find myself even taking out some of my frustration on him by calling him names or being kinda bitchy. Isn't that retarded? Ya, it is. I tell him I like him and then I tell him I don't even think we should be friends. Hollie always rolls her eyes at me and tells me not to be surprised when he becomes confused by me and I end up taking a bath in the shit pool I just built. (I would just like to add here, however, that it is important to remember I am far too hard on myself.) But anyway, what the hell?! She's totally right. The less I see him the better I feel about a lot of things. But then I love to see him. Oh holy hell, I am so cutting myself off.


At 10:51 AM, Blogger Foodie on a Diet said...

Sounds like you and Jordan both need to be straightforward with each other before you can figure out what's going on. I'm confused just watching.

At 10:52 AM, Blogger Foodie on a Diet said...

I always feel like I have to have an opinion on something, though. So if it's not helpful, ignore that.

At 6:03 PM, Blogger QueenAtotheM said...

I'm glad for your opinions. We definitely do. I am a HUGE talker and work things out through talking. He is a very busy person who has not seemed that interested in working out any type of relationship. Or maybe we just interact with people differently. I actually spoke a while with Coleman last week and it was so great. I feel like I know him more than I know Jordan. But you're right, for any clarity or forward movement in that relationship communication needs to improve.


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