Sunday, January 01, 2006

Well I haven't updated in a while so I figured what the hell. I am on a major caffiene high right now, although you would think after 2 cups I'd be ok, especially since I work at a coffee shop. Guess it's because I haven't eaten anything yet.

Well, last night was a ton of fun! First New Years that didn't suck both my left and right one! Yea! I went to Jordan's "coloUr" party. You had to pick one color that either represented your past year, or one that would represent the upcoming year. I was silver because it's a mix of black and white. The black symbolizes how shit-tastic my year was at first but then how awesome it became. I went with Jamelyn (whose "girls" were out all night long, looking lovely and luscious as ever) and Heather. Heather was peacock color. Why? "Vanity. I loved myself last year." Everyone voted on the top three best dressed. It was me, Heather, and this girl in purple overalls. She didn't stand a chance next to Heather's boas and my silver mullet wig. Heather won! I was so excited!!!! I keep smiling about it every time I think of her climbing up on that table with feathers potentially stuck in her armpits. Hahaha! It was a lot of fun.

The only poopy part was that it looked like Jordan was macking on some dumb bitch who was also wearing silver sequins. I looked hotter. No matter what happens, it's important to hear friends like Jamelyn call that girl a whore. HAHAHA! Friends are so important and I love that they would say something like that to make you feel better. So even though that was a poopy situation, I will probably not forget Hether and Jama calling pseudo-silver a slut and a whore. Hahahahaha! So thanks, my friends!

Jordan looked like Elton John as a painter. He seemed to have a great time, which makes me happy. Oh ya, and the cops coming? Hillllarrrrrrrious! Stupid dumb ass good for nothing Wheaton cops. Did they check ids? No. Did they test the people who said they were driving? No. Did they do anything except interrupt our New Years Eve party with thier big dumb dumbness and embarrass themselves? Absolutely not. Oh well, just doing their narky jobby. I think I've said everything I wanted to say. Go Bears! (just kidding.)


At 3:29 PM, Blogger Heather said...

You are so fantastic! That silver mullet wig was sexy as hell! I say we split the prize!

So, that boa? Half eaten now by the gay fat cats. Anyway, they'll be picking up feathers for a while. I hope BoHm isn't too upset about finding turquoise feathers in his $2,000,000 guitar. Better finding feathers in his guitar than stuck to my armpits.

{{Oops! embarassing moment, 2005}}

Incidentally, that silver sequined girl was totally a wench, and J's a big JOHNSON for talking to her and not you. What was the deal with that?

Also, I wonder if the cops came back for a second unwanted guest appearance?

I'll come into Caribou tonight. You should tell Conrad.


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