well it's been a while. a baby has even been born since i last wrote! YEA! YEA FOR LUCY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm going to pinch her till she cries. oh yes. plus, she was a bit of a fat ass at 8 and a half pounds. i hope she doesn't continue trying to torture her mom for the rest of her life.
speaking of new awesome things, i got a pair of fantastic boots. hahaha, just kidding. i did but not like a kid or something.
pottery is, like i previously foresaw, bitchin. although the wheel? not bitchin. i get to finally start glazing some pieces tomorrow and that is going to be a ton of fun.
last night was another lady night talking about jesus. yes, jesus and all the crack paul must have smoked. we each like paul a certain percentage, unlike jesus, for example, who we like 100%. if you took the average of our likeness of paul i am guessing it'd be about...hmm....70%. does that seem too high? hahaha. HE'S A NUT BALL! although he did say some pretty nice things about jesus. and that helps me a lot so maybe 70% is just right. :)
i start volunteering this week, hopefully, as long as i can switch my schedule. the main thing that i want to start doing is being a "friendship" volunteer, which means i am basically an on-call family member for a specific refugee family for about 6 months. i can't commit to that yet because i may move, so instead i am going to be volunteering at the after school clubs they have for the kiddies until i can commit to the more serious...well, commitment. and the after school club i'm going to join is an all girls art club. YEA! i can't wait!!! ok so i just talked to the boss man and i CAN Start this thursday. bitchin!
so what else? caribou and coffee making and supervising coffee makers in general continues to suck my left and right one. hey! have you seen a proboscus monkey? they are so freaking awesome. i am totally going to paste a pic of one on here in a wee minute.
there are two more pumpkins out front that i think i may have to carve by my lonesome today. that is ok! and guess what else?! i may buy a car this afternoon! i figured out my budget and i can TOTALLY afford it. i'm going to get an echo i think. hehehehehehehe. well, we shall see. the good thing is that at the rate i write on here i probably WILL have one by the next time!
and my love life? still non existent and still not really an issue. except when we go bowling and everyone has someone to high five. and i dont. hahaha. just kidding. ok, time to look for that damn monkey!
i went bowling with phil yesterday. i bowled 2 82's and then like a 72. Phil did pretty well AND he made jambalaya for dinner!!
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