Sunday, January 30, 2005

Good Gravy

Well i haven't written in 5 days. I haven't really wanted to say anything because there was nothing really to say. It's been boring although I have been a lot happier since Hollie got back. She and Nate came over, along with this kid Adam. It was fun we played Simpson's Monopoly. It was actually a ton of fun. Next time, tho, we plan on doing some drinking with it, which I think is a marvelous idea. I am not sure Adam needs alcohol, he's a freak already. We were playing Nertz while Nate and Hollie went to get a movie (BottleRocket = super) and I told him I was going to kick his ass and he said of course, I'm a woman, I'm better at multi-tasking. So I said, "Let me get this straight...Women are biologically better at multi-tasking?" And he said, "Ya, that's what I said." Well basically to make a long story short, that was the dumbest thing I've ever heard. It makes no sense whatsoever and I see no examples of that in society. Man, this is an ugly dirty keyboard. Hum.....

It is the end of another week and I really hate that feeling because I look back at my week and have accomplished nothing except for the completion of a puzzle. I am reading this terrible hallmark series called at home in Milford. It's really pathetic and shitty but a fun read if you don't take it seriously. I have to make a cake today for Josh. I think I'll make him a puzzle or some card too. He is leaving tomorrow for Arizona for 9 months. I hope he is successful there. If not I am not sure he'll ever recover.

Like I said, I have nothing to say really so I am going to end here. No one comments anyways. I was bummed no one took the Simpsons quiz. Hollie did. She was Ned Flanders. Big freaking surprise. I have to give Addie a bath. She smells like turkey gravy.

I told Suzanne I might come to Galesburg. Any thoughts ghost reader?


At 3:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I hate to tell you this, but there IS biological evidence about why women are better at multi-tasking than men. You're probably thinking "Oh, God, Diane, why do you have to be such a know-it-all?!" But it's true. I just went all over the american psychological association's databases looking for a study to prove it, but this damn british system sucks. Suffice it to say there is a bridge in the frontal lobes of the brain connecting left and right hemispheres. On the onset of puberty, the bridge either stays, or is "dissolved" if there are high testosterone levels present. This bridge of neurons is responsible for the ability to multitask, with its links between left-and right-brained thinking. Blah.

I heart simpson's monopoly, and I totally got Lisa. Of course. Boooring.

At 12:30 AM, Blogger QueenAtotheM said...

I was NOT thinking "Oh God, Diane, why do you have to be such a know-it-all." I was, in fact, thinking, "Why oh why in God's name, Diane, do you have to be such a TRAITOR?!?!?"
Seriously, though, I still do not understand this. I don't see that women are better at multi-tasking. I haven't seen it in school or in the "work place." I see no proof whatsoever to support such a rediculous theory. You send the link to that website that proves it and we shall see. Otherwise, you are not invited to my birthday party! :)

ps- I don't think the Brittish have invented medical science yet. lol


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