Sunday, January 23, 2005

Decapitate the Head Hunter!

I am feeling absolutely miserable. Thank God Hollie is coming home tomorrow. I am starting to go crazy. And I am so jealous my parents are enjoying sunny California. They are going whale watching in two days! What a load of crap that is! My mom asked me if I was wearing my jealous goggles. Oh ya.
But back to being miserable. Oy...I am so bored! You know when you start to become depressed when you feel sorry for yourself and list all of the things that are going bad. Like "I have no job. I have no social life. Hell, I have no friends. I have NO JOB! I have severe social problems right now that would debilitate me even if I did go somewhere. I have an overdue movie. I am going to Hell (read previous entry). I ate too many cookies today." See? Ridiculous. I feel like I've been on the verge of tears for about a week now. I cry a lot in my dreams but I can't in real life. I feel like an old clock that stopped ticking and is waiting to be wound-up. To do what, though? Tick around and around in circles, I suppose. I'm not in a sad mood, though, if that makes sense. I still run around the house talking to myself and to the dogs like I always do. In fact, I'm not even in a bad mood at all right now.
I am thinking maybe I should work at some clothing store just for a little while. I'll make shit money and meet a bunch of stupid girls. I thought more about meeting with a head-hunter. I pictured myself going to the job the first day and sitting at some crappy desk. I just know there will be the previous person's little notes everywhere. There will be binder clips in the drawer. My chair will by on those plastic rolley sheets, and there will be a fake plant near me. I'll just sit there for a moment and ask myself what the hell I am doing. Then I'll suck it up and start dicking around on the computer doing some mindless job that makes no impact on anyone in the slightest. So ya, Marshall Field's is sounding better and better.
In other news, I watched Aladin on TV tonight. I can't believe I had every song memorized. How did that happen? I think it's because I played that soundtrack in orchestra. Isn't that crazy? Ya. It is. "Prince Ali Fabulous He, Ali Ababwaaaaaaa...lalalalalalalalalalala"


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