Monday, September 19, 2005

ok so has this ever happened to you: my throat is absolutely killing me so i sprayed that cepachol stuff on my tonsels. but i think i missed or it went down the wrong pipe because i couldnt breathe. i was swallowing and swallowing and if i wanted air i had to gasp it. so i made weird ent-like wheezing noises. and i went into the bathroom and i started retching but not throwing up. basically throwing up without any yummy bile coming out. hollie booked it. she said she would have lost it if i started throwing up. and i cant stop swallowing or coughing now. so what the hell, eh? now i need to go to sleep. i was so looking forward to sleeping in cause i havent slept really well and my body wants to chill out a bit but now apparantly i have to pick my mom up from the airport, which really blows because i so badly wanted to talk to renae (we switched meeting times). well. no more retching so i think it's time for some sleepy. i closed with dickles tonight which is always a blast. every time i say something he knows exactly what im referencing and we laugh our asses off. and there is zero sexual anything cause he's married. its so fun. oh man so i called whats his butt and i guess it was ok and he came in later tonight wearing my all time favorite cream in the pants ensemble for a male to wear. but i was feeling so so so sick and i still feel really sick and i think i have a fever. i just want some cuddling. and maybe a foot rub. i feel like ive had a really long 24 hours and i just want someone to hold on to me for a little while, you know? like its been a lot for just me to manage getting through and i want someone to put their arms around me and for me to take a deep breath. oh well. ill just settle for another cough drop.


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