Saturday, July 01, 2006

So this is hilarious! We just bought a couch. Or should I say FINALLY!!!! And we all moved it in. Then Hollie and Mom left to go eat and Dad and I took off the plastic wrapping. Addie of course was standing about two feet away the entire time, watching. So then my dad and I decided to move the couch out of the doorway and against the wall. So we each picked up a side and set it down. It was heavy so we were both very relieved to get it down. Then I heard a very faint little scrambling. I said, "Where's Addie? She didn't crawl under there, did she?" Well, no, not exactly. All of a sudden we saw the skirt come up at the bottom of the couch and a little nose poking out. Louder scrambling. Then two little legs. The space between the floor and the bottom of the couch is about five inches. Like I said, she didn't crawl underneath. We put the couch on top of her!

I have never heard my dad laugh so hard in his whole life. It was wonderful.


At 3:40 PM, Blogger Heather said...

I just laughed for a while about this. Poor Addie!!!!!

PS -1 I want to see the new and improved Lutzo place.

PS-2 Are you still coming over to learn about computers tonight?


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