Monday, May 29, 2006

I have something to say:

Ok, so this is REALLY gross so if you get grossed out easily, you may not want to continue reading. I am dumbfounded, though. So I noticed this bump on the side of my butt yesterday, not really on the cheak itself, more like a bit lower on my hips and over a bit. I thought it was a bug bite. Today I was wearing my little shorts that I wear when it's hot as hell inside of our non airconditioned house and I happened to see it again. I rubbed it and it hurt a little. I showed Hollie and she said gross, stop it. It was a little red. Same thing, totally a bug bite. The kind that hurt a little but didn't itch. I was wrong........................................

So tonight I happened to see it again, had totally fogotten about it. I squeezed it a little and puss shot out of it like a canon. Then I yelled out, "WHAT?" Then I squeezed a little bit harder and a whole shit load came pouring out. It was kinda yellow. I'm telling you, like the size of a number two pencil eraser head. It was fucking awesome. Oh ya and I yelled, "WHAT?!" again. So then I put all that fun stuff into a tissue and figuring I probably had it all, gave it another little squeeze. There were a little blood, which is always an idicator that you're nearing the end of the puss line, but some puss and blood shot out and actually hit my hand. Another wipe and repeat three more times......

So what the hell was all that about? An ingrown hair perhaps? Totally didn't look like it. (Plus, I might add, I have never shaved my ass for crap's sake, so why would there be an ingrown hair?) And it wasn't like a normal pimple that you can tell needs a good squeezin'. It was a red bump that looked like a big spider bite. Maybe it was and it got infected? I don't know but I am definitely clean and never have pimples or whatever the hell that monstroserous mutation was. It kinda hurts a little but just in case you're worried about me, I think the worst is over.......


At 3:07 PM, Blogger Heather said...

I think I just threw up in my mouth.

At 5:13 PM, Blogger Foodie on a Diet said...

Haha...this weekend my uncle asked my dad what this big red bump on his knee was. My dad said it was probably a staph infection and it needed to be drained. So my uncle proceeded to puncture the thing and squeeze it in front of the guests at my sister's graduation party.

Pretty funny, especially coming from a well groomed businessman whose hair is never out of place and whose casual clothes are out of an eddie bauer catalog.

At 5:14 PM, Blogger Foodie on a Diet said...

oh, did i fail to leave out that he poked it with a pocket knife?

At 5:42 PM, Blogger QueenAtotheM said...

That is so disgusting! Was it all puss-filled and gross? What's a staph infection? What did everyone do when he took a pocket knife (very gross) to his knee in front of everyone? What did your mom do?

At 1:44 PM, Blogger Heather said...

The first story I remember hearing about my grandfather was how my mom took a safety pin and popped a huge zit in his ear, and how puss and grossness came pouring out for a full minute. She told me and I threw up an entire can of black olives on the floor.

I didn't think I would ever meet another woman who enjoys talking about popping infectious boils / pimples / "Spider bites" as much as she did that day.

You are both so gross!!!!!!!!

....and I love it.

...but I still can't really stomach black olives.

At 5:28 PM, Blogger QueenAtotheM said...

What in the heck were you doing eat a full can of black olives? Weirdo!

At 10:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

altho i feel a lil strange leaving my comment on the strange.. butt pimple entry... i wanted to say HI and see what you were up to, man. i got your txt for easter WAY late because i took an extremely irresponsible trip to spain. :) that's how cool i am! then, when i got back... yeah, i moved to champaign! i'm crazy! i know! ahhhhhhhh...

wanted to know how YOU are. drop me a line, yo.

PS... i enjoy the "i need some sexin" entry. good fucking times. good times.

--Rachel... the Ruiz

At 12:05 PM, Blogger Heather said...

I was 5 and my stomach was too small.

At 12:28 PM, Blogger Foodie on a Diet said...

It was one of those really awkward moments where everyone is really grossed out, but they don't really know each other, so no one says anything but just tries to look away but keeps peeking becuase you know that they really want to know what's going to come out the bump.

I'm not really sure what a staph infection is except that it causes pus and if you ingest it, it can cause really bad food poisoning.

Um...yeah... fortunately my mom was nowhere to be found. She probably would have died.


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