Thursday, April 20, 2006

well today has been a pretty bitchin day. not only do i have today and tomorrow off, but our new appliances came in the mail and our new fridge has a water thing that you can get CRUSHED ICE from!!!!! BAM!!!! i have always wanted an ice despenser with crushed ice. it makes every drink so much better! so be jealous cause its awesome!

not only that but i won a freaking ipod today. the managers in our region picked two people that did really well promoting our music thing and then the district manager put those names into a hat and drew twice. the winners would get an ipod shuffle and yours truly's name got picked!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEA YEA YEA YEA YEA YEA!!!! I never win ANYTHING, not at bingo and not at a cake walk. NOTHING! oo! gotta go!


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