Thursday, March 09, 2006

feel free to ignore my rant

some shit is going down with my bro and it just makes me think maybe i won't end up in DC. maybe i should go to a european country that has free healthcare and where guns are illegal. that would be nice. sometimes i feel so much anger for this country and i want to leave. people say well if you hate it so much you should go. that's a stupid thing to say. leave my family? leave my home? leave my country? magically have the money to live somewhere new with a new visa? it's easy to say "just leave if you're pissed" rather than to actually think for yourself. also, it's also easy to get angry without ever having to do anything, so that's a given issue for me.

but seriously, why the fuck is health care only available to rich people? if you're poor in this country you are fucked. what do you do with no health insurance when you have something terrible go wrong? in india they have indentured servitude. here we have those check into cash assholes. what's the difference? and we have rich white people in suburbs blaming poor people for their own problems. as if they know anyone ever who has had to deal with having no health insurance. it's like people who don't get gay people. well of course not, dummy, do you have any gay friends? you know, thinking about this all makes me want to be somewhere else. maybe dc is a good idea. it's pretty diverse there, although as usual in a city, all of the "minorities" are quarentined to one section. living here has desensitized me to a lot of things. people are sheltered, especially me, who serves $5 drinks to little girls with coach purses and chanel sun glasses. argh. this world is so fucked up it just gets to me sometimes. i'm so thankful for god's sovereignty and justice.


At 10:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is terribly inconvenient to need treatment and not be able to afford it.

I have come to the conclusion that America is composed of pompous assholes driven by self consciousness. Even when it is most unconsciously done, we use the misfortune of others to elevate our own self to a higher economical or ideological status. Socials issues as important as healthcare are often neglected because those issues are one way of stratifying the classes, making the rich feel better about themselves at the expense of the poor.

But in addition to being pompous assholes driven by a self conscious need to condescend upon others, America is grossly full of lazy people just wasting space and air. If every man, woman and child over 15 who was eligible to work did so, there would not be a problem in affording decent healthcare. Or, alternatively put, if every person had a job that was beneficial and provided health care, there would not be such an issue.

It isn't a case of companies just not offering benefits. Most do. I believe it to be a case where people either do not know how to tap into those companies or they are too lazy to bother. It cannot be just a mere coincidence that a large portion of the citizens without healthcare also are without [beneficial] jobs, whether attributed to their own poor decisions or to the general shisty nature of America's economy. I am pessimistic because I know even most minimum wage paying jobs can present a citizen with basic healthcare, and yet she/ he does not pursue that route. Additionally, Americans are unwise with their spending, mostly the rich, but also the poor who aim to be like the rich in every possible way. What I wouldn't give to find out the purchasing power of those without healthcare.

As oftentimes said, I have no pity for the people who can help themselves.

At 10:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And incidentally... I certainly can't blame Dick for shooting a guy in the face. A guy who was obviously dressed in a duck suit [a bright orange hunting jumpsuit] and had a sign pinned to him that said "I'm a freaking duck now shoot me". When you're out in the woods and you're 'a huntin', it is very easy to mistake an overweight man for a measily duck. Dick was obviously not at fault. It was totally the other guy's fault. I mean, what a senile duck man!

At 3:23 PM, Blogger QueenAtotheM said...

I'm pretty much in agreement about most of what you're saying. The unfortunate thing in my mind is that maybe there aren't available jobs for EVERYONE. In Galesburg where I went to college the Maytag pulled out and 1600 people lost their jobs. The town's unemployment is now at 25%. I know that's unusual but it's a good example.
And I think of people who live in the inner city. Is a good work ethic instilled through the shitty education systems or the families? Not that I really know much about this but low wage jobs can't support a family. You should read Nickel and Dimed. It's all about trying to survive on jobs at places like WallyWorld or waitressing. Do those places who view their employees as expendible termites really offer good benefits that are affordable? If I was a single mom right now I'd probably think twice about paying $250 a month for Caribou's insurance.

But I do agree with you that low-income people waste a hell of a lot of money on unneccesary crap. Like cable. Or cell phones or clothes. But like I was sort of getting at before, who teaches good budgeting?

And as far as Dick goes, total fucking moron. I think I would like to take an air horn and sound it off in his face.


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