Thursday, March 16, 2006

i'm bloggin.

doin ok. i missed my chance with IJM tho. I knew that job wouldn't be available forever. And I missed it. Oh well. Maybe that's a good thing, maybe a super de duper bad thing. I also got my her did today too. Nothing exciting really. It always fades to this ugly brassy color no matter what I do. Stupid red! I can't believe it is Friday already. Here I was thinking it was Monday. Mondays are long checklist days. But this week has been good and it has been shitty. Last night at Matt Chandler club I enjoyed myself. I miss hearing people talk about their faith. I am hoping more people will come. It was weird sharing stuff too, especially when I look back and remember what I actually shared. It's sort of the last story I think I'd tell, but nonetheless, I told it. Guess I still am bitter. I don't know also if I'm super sensitive or what but I feel like people have been shitting on me and I did for once say something for myself, which earned me a high five and me giving myself a pat on the back. Although I did not talk to Nate about his shitty ass comment. And my mom gave me a hug and apologized for her snotty comment. The other two are not my problem. I feel like I need to report new shoes. But alas, no new shoes. I talked to Coleman about money and he was saying that if we look at how we spend our money it can reflect what's really in our souls. Let's look at Andrea's bank statment: Target, TJMAXX, alcohol, food, tanning, hair salon, various mall stores, parking tickets. I think I spend way too much money on me. I don't like that. Becuase then I expect to get whatever I want. And when I don't get my way I treat people like shit and I get angry. And I don't like that about myself at all. I've been telling myself forever I need to donate 10% for this very reason. So I gave some money away earlier this month. My first reaction to the "thank you for your donation" email was, well, I have nothing new and awesome coming in the mail for that. that's ok tho. but seriously. the 8th is my official give away day. so ya, no new shoes to report although i have my eye on some gold ones at target. damnit. i got some tank tops at target today. oopsie daisey.
so ya, i think a bit of yoga, per andie, would do me some good, cause i feel like ripping a few people a new asshole. but i also feel like cuddling with addie.
and oh goodie, i get to see steve and bertoad this weekend. that'll be nice and odd. i hope hum bliddy bloooo doesn't talk about jesus the whole damn time. that makes me want to whip out my bank statement and have show and a lot of tell.


At 9:52 PM, Blogger Heather said...

you make me laugh :-) I'm sorry I could not force myself out of my bad mood to go to Matt Chandler. It is probably a good thing, as I would have most likely ended up denouncing Matt, Matt's wife, Matt's wife's mother, possibly Matt's unborn children in addition to any he currently has, his dog, his cat and his fish. I was just in a bad mood though. I didn't think ya'll needed to participate in that.

Coleman has a good point about $$ and one's soul :-)


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