Sunday, March 26, 2006

I saw Lord of War last night. People tell me, especially my mom, that I need to see movies that aren't watched for enternainment purposes only. I'm telling you, I get too upset and I hate those types of movies. All they do is depress the absolute hell out of me.

This movie was about a man, played by Nicolas Cage, who would buy guns and later bigger weapons from countries where war was over, and then sell the guns to developing countries for ongoing wars. His most often customer was Liberia. The president bought a big shipment and then gave the guns to his army to kill hundreds of civilians, most likely refugees. The conclusin of the movie was that in most developing countries, their guns don't necessairly have the US President's fingerprints on them, but they might as well. The end of the movie made the comment that the countries that were the biggest dealers in arms were the US, England, France, China, and one other. The next comment was that these countries were also the only permanent members of the UN. It was so fucking depressing. When it was over Jordan said, well that was interesting. Coleman didn't say anything. I went to the bathroom, got on my knees, and pretty much sobbed for about 10 minutes.

It broke my heart. As we all know, I destest guns. This movie definitely supported that position of mine. And Nicolas Cage kept entering and exiting developing countries, bribing idiots as he went. I know I'm not explaining myself very well but that's cause I just wanted to mention this movie but I don't really feel like talking about it at this point. I don't recommend it.

Now, here is something funny. I wanted to post a Spanish comment on Jamelyn's Myspace. So I translated this:

I do not know Spanish but I do know how to use a computer. I am using Megan's example and am writing to you in your new mother tongue. I would like you to come home now. Heather misses you because she feels sad because she is the only girl for miles with big boobs. She said that she misses you because you understand. We miss you! Come home!

And then after it was in Spanish I translated it back to see how funny it would be and it proved successful:

I do not know Spanish but that I know to use a computer. I am using the example and the one of Megan that writes to him in its new maternal language. It wanted that you to house now it came. Brezo him lack because it feels sad because she is the only girl for the miles with boobs great. She said that she him lack because you understand. It needed! Come to house!

Apparantly Heather in Spanish is Brezo. What the hell?


At 3:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


To be honest I did have a bit of trouble reading one of you sentences, but now that you've translated it once and back again I understand.

I was wondering what Brezo was but when you started talking about boobs I knew it was Heather.

I'll be home soon.

At 5:25 PM, Blogger Heather said...

You need to see the pictures andrea took pretending to be like me.

She shoved her whole coat down her shirt in a desperate attempt to get boobs.

And failed.


We'll need to hang out soon! We keep talking about how much we miss you.


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