Tuesday, June 28, 2005

I want this.

I felt like looking at some funny pics and I found these two. Someone needs to help this cat. For real.

Monday, June 27, 2005

the puddin' pop and the bippin' and the boppin'

Heeeello. So hi. Haven't written in a while. Just been work work working, which is still great, although last week was pretty damn frustrating. It is really hard to be a boss, especially if you are Ms. Passive Aggressive herself. I'm doing a ton better though. I just don't always know how to be confrontational. I pretty much want to say, hey you, ya you, fuck face, you're doing this all wrong, damnit. Hahaha. I've been reading some applications too which is HISTARICAL. Like in one section you have to provide three references. This one person wrote, "I have no friends or family" three times. HAHAHA. One question asks why the person wants to work at our store. This girl writes, "I need a job. I think I am what you are looking for in a work place." hehehehe. Awww...Basically just a lot of high school kids. But some are pretty damn awesome. My feet sure do hurt. I'm going to watch Snatch tonight. I saw Hitch the other night. Holy carp, so funny. Hollie came in at one point because I was literally laughing my ass right on off. I wish the female characters were a bit more complex, though. I just think it was good because it kind of portrayed relationships as scary, which they are. Anyone who's been hurt can relate to those characters. I don't think Will Smith is as hot as he used to be. I watched some of the interviews on the dvd and he's pretty full of shit. I saw him on Oprah for like 5 sec. too one time. Same thing: full of shit. Still cute though. Johnny Depp is full of shit too, but in a good way. I read an interview with him in Newsweek today. He's a funny guy. I am so so so excited about his new movie. Ok, enough on that. I'm reading On the Back of the North Wind right now. Just picked it off of Hollie's bookshelf. It's about a boy named Diamond and he hangs out with the North Wind. It's by this cool Scottish guy. I saw Jess last week, which was oh so fun. We watched all her Scotland movies and looked at her pics cause she burned me a cd. Oh, good times. I drank a bit last week too with some work peeps. Oh how lovely it was. I barely drank anything but my tolerance is lower and I hadn't eaten anything. We ended up playing in this fountain. My boss rules. Like woah. And crap, it's so hot in our house. I truly wish we had some air conditioning. Oh well. Tomorrow is a day off! I think I'll go to the bank. Diane, I'll send you all of Jess' and Stephanie's movies/pics if you send me mine!!!!!
I think I'm going to sign off now and have a jello pudding pop. hahahaha.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

jasmine fell and hurt her foot but she's better now

geeze. it's like grand central station around here. ok hello. well. you know a lot goes on but i don't really know how to write it all. bottom line is that things are going wonderfully although i got my period and i'm drinking coffee and even though i love to watch everything go down the toilet and fresh clean water come back up, i still hate pooping and bleeding at the same time. hahaha. sorry. i also saw this pic of christian bale as the new batman. bottom line there, i want to have sex with batman.
my dad got a subscription to the economist and although it's incredibly british it's really been great to read every month. yesterday i sat in the sun and read for a long time. the night before i read this article on how the congo is just a freaking mess. actually i don't think that sums it up well enough. it's demonic and tightly in the clutches of satan. that song says "he's got the whole world in his hands...he's got you and me brother, in his hands..." does he really? so this woman was walking along with 13 other women and they were stopped by soldiers who believed that if a woman's vaginal lips were long, they possessed magical powers. only the one woman had long lips so they shot all the other women. then they cut this woman's vaginal lips off and gang raped her. then they burned and ate her two daughters right in front of her. after she told her story to the un she died, praise god. like i said, does he really have the whole world in his hands? and then you flip a page and bolivia is on the verge of civil war. another page, the zimbabwe govt. is burning down people's homes and leaving the poorest of the world with even more of nothing. and then god damn bush wanting only to stop terrorism. i tell you, the world is a mess. and i knew that but it's good to be reminded because serving coffee in the suburbs is just not good enough.
my boss is really stressed out and i feel like i want to pray for her and even the congo but why? what's the point in doing that? will my boss's best friend be magically healed? will the congo be magically mended and become the strong heart of africa as it should be? why do we pray if we know our prayers can't possibly be answered god isn't santa claus who gives us whatever we want. i think prayer is the way we communicate with god. it's supposed to be a relationship that is intimate. so i don't pray to get things, i pray to invest in a relationship. ya, i know that intellectually. try getting me to be intimate with god though. why don't you pray about it. hahahhahaha. cheese and rice it's hot! ok i've said what was temporarilly on my mind. possy out.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

So how crazy is it that it's June? Holy carp. We've got peonies in the living room. They smell so good. I freaking love the warmer months! I gotta a new phone and I paid $1.50 to download this cute cartoon hippo. Rip off but worth it! Work is continuing to kick ass. I am bringing bells today for the door. Cool star bells. My boss came in when she wasn't working to do some crap and she was wearing a brown fuzzy hat and she gave me a big hug. And then we yelled Guatemala Fincas Comelias! I'm still reading this Agatha Christie book. It's taking me forever to finish. I'm really inconsistent with reading. I think it's taken me a while since I also fancy playing Nintendo. I just beat Paper Mario. I totally schooled Bowzer. But the author who wrote Secret Life of Bees just came out with a new book called something like the Mermaid Chair. My mom waited for weeks to get it at the library and finally got it so I better get my batoot in gear. I just started Super Mario 64 though. I was going to watch O Brother Whereart Thou but didn't. Hollie wanted to drive like 35 minutes to TGIFs in Woodfield at 11 at night to hang out with some people. I'm like um ya, first day off in 3 weeks. Have to work 8 hours tomorrow. Kiss my butt. She bought these window markers. They are way fun. I took this quiz on Diane's livejournal and my high school stereotype is the Punk/Rebel. hahahaha. Ya. I was so unhappy then although I thought anarchy was the dumbest shit ever heard of, unless you're like Poland or East Germany or something. But in the Chicago suburbs? Sweet Moses, cry me a river. I was more of the opinion that high school was day care. So Hollie wrote this book in grade school and we found it and I read it yesterday. It's really fucking awesome! If I tell you the title you can't steal the idea, ok? It's Jake (or Joe, I forget) and the Mug-a-mug. It's so cool. I was still sucking my thumb and playing with Barbies in grade school. That girl is brilliant, always has been. She used the word lackluster the other day. What the hell, Hollie? Lackluster? hahahaha. It's a real word too, although I'm probably spelling it wrong. We got the same ACT score but that doesn't mean much to me. It was my second go at it and I had a serious hang over. It was her first try. She got like 30 million on the English part and like 1 on the math. Hahaha. Hmm..what else can I ramble on about that no one will read? Good coffee and scone I'm having. Ok well I am going to skeedattle. Maybe I'll play a bit more Mario before I have to go to work in a bit. Oh shit, I have to get ready. BOO URNS!