well i am officially back from collyrado. i just love love love estes park and the rocky mountain national park. i've been there i think now 4 times and know it pretty well. I wanted to put some pics on my blog but when I tried to pull the cpu closer to me i might have accidentally pulled out the phone cord and ripped it clear in half. oopsey. that, and this shit computer doesnt recognize when something is connected to the usb.
the reunion was not as bad as i was expecting although there was some crazy lame ass crap like singing and dancing and playing guestures. bluhk. tons of dumb little kids too. but i understand about myself that i take a while to warm up to people i dont know, so by the end of the second day i was rather enjoying myself. where we stayed was really nice too, although the guy that ran it was a complete nut job. there were signs EVERYWHERE and we made fun of him a lot. there was a sign above the pool table that said you must be 13 to play pool. i asked someone to turn on the fan and my cousin Rachelle goes, "you have to be at least 15 to turn it on." im like, "ya, and you have to have been born between 8pm and 10am on a tuesday." see? we made fun of him. dumb bastard. haha.
i talked to dianer today which was nice and i am still working on my room. all i have to do is wash the floor and then i can move on in, since today i had to scrub off dried plaster and scrape off tiny paint drops. ok so at work there's this drink called a reindeer drink and what it is is steamed milk and flavor syrup. so this guy ordered an irish cream reindeer drink. ashley made it and calls it out as "medium irish cream reindeer milk." HAHAHA. i laughed my ass off.
anyway, we saw elk and deer and lots of mountains. it was definitely rough on my body to all of a sudden be in dry, cooler air 10k feet up. climbing too, no less. my buns were-a burnin'. but that park just fucking rules. tons of streams and waterfalls and beautiful flowers and trees. it smells amazing and the clouds are awesome. the tundra is the highest level of mountain and no trees grow there because there is not enough oxygen. you can literally see the difference between that level and the next level, the subapline level. we hiked mainly in this, which was around 9k miles above sea level. at the top of 2 climbs there were lakes with fat chipmunks due to hiker friendliness. my mom was wearing a drawstring-type backpack for her water and she set it down at this lake. she turned around and this porky wee chippy was tugging at the strings. and my dad fed this other chippy a peanut but he stuck it between his fingers so it would have to work to find the nut. and then my dad hid a bunch and the chippy stuck them in his cheeks. HAHAHAHA. what a fat ass! we three also made up a new word: tit nose. i was like, "mom, did you just call me a tit nose?" hahaha. so now we call each other tit noses. hahahaha.
im glad to be back home with the puggo and labba. travelling REALLY stresses me out because no matter where i am i rarely feel safe. we went to this historic lodge to have this awesome walnut topped
trout...mmm...and there was live classical music and an amazing view but i still had a panic attack. i got over it though and made it go away after shitting a log. it was a nice accomplishment if i do say so myself. oh shit, and staying with josh is a story in itself. you wouldnt think a person could create a ton of chaos in 2 short days with 50 family members around...or maybe you can...either way, he definitely did. he got in late and jumped on my stomach to wake me up. it was really fun until i found a pic on his digital camera that still upsets me. im not sure what to do about it and im really bummed out. his gf dumped him there, the selfish bitch, so i didnt feel like discussing this pic was a super duper idea. argh. i dunno. i won't tell my parents or hollie about it but i did tell renae. it felt good to tell someone and talk about it. i met with her yesterday actually and we talked a lot about the reunion. i told her how much more diverse the family appears. she said that i experienced it finally as an adult esp. since the last time i saw them all i was like 17 and that at that age you can confuse reality with perception, and i do believe i achieved that. there's still some bull shit though in reality. my g-ma commented on my tattoo and wanted to know what the "new age" people thought of it. hahaha. what the fuck? seriously. haha. "i like unicorns." hahaha. we ate pretty well too and i miss the walking but now i am here back in retard land. its strange to be back here with this life as my "home," if that makes sense. i wonder what it will be like to have a life that doesnt seem temporary. maybe it never will.
well sir, i am going to look into buying me some shoesies on my favorite shoe website now. bonsoir.